Proporcionar los analizadores de calidad de agua más fiables, flexibles y, posiblemente, los mejores del mercado.

+44 1282 422835


Global Supplier Of Water Analysis Solutions

Process Instruments (UK) Ltd. (Pi) is a global supplier, providing water analyzer instrument solutions since 1998. With offices, a laboratory and new manufacturing facilities in Burnley (UK), with subsidiaries in Ireland and France and a company representative in China, Pi has a growing reputation for innovation with customers in over 50 countries, across 6 continents. A major part of Pi’s business is through Private Label/OEM agreements, so the name ‘Process Instruments’ is not as widely known as many of our competitors. Instead of focusing on building a brand name we instead aim to provide our customers with the most reliable, flexible, and arguably the best water quality analyzers on the market.


Find out how Process Instruments can help you and your business with our wide range of applications. From Pools to Paper, we’ve got you covered.
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At Process Instruments, we take pride in our accuracy and precision. We have a wide range of tools available, find out what we can measure by clicking the link below.
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Browse Process Instruments’ collection of Water 4.0 analyzers and Industry 4.0 instruments by clicking the link below.
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Controladores de Instrumentación

Take a look at Process Instruments revolutionary Instrument Controllers, CRONOS® & CRIUS®.
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+44 1282 422835
Tim Harte
Contacto de la Oficinas Centrales
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The future for Process Instruments…

Ever growing, ever adapting, ever improving. With numerous product developments continually in the pipeline it is safe to say that Pi will always be leading the market, you just might not know it’s us!

If you would like to learn more about Pi, our products and how they might work for you, why not pick up the phone and give us a ring right now?

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The latest Pi News

Premio Queen’s a la empresa – ¡Doble ganador!

Pi ha sido galardonado con dos Premio Queen’s a la empresa, uno por Comercio Internacional y el otro por Innovación. Premio Queen’s a la empresa – Comercio internacional En Pi […]

Pi acreditado como Contratista Gold SafePQQ por Alcumus SafeContractor

Process Instruments (Pi) ha recibido la acreditación de Alcumus SafeContractor por lograr la excelencia en salud y seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. Pi’s obtiene la certificación de Salud, Seguridad […]

Nuevo sensor de OD con autolimpieza y autoverificación integradas

Los sensores de oxígeno disuelto casi siempre requieren autolimpieza para garantizar lecturas precisas en aplicaciones difíciles, como carriles de aireación en plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Pi lanza dos […]

Industria 4.0 una realidad con CRIUS®4.0

El lanzamiento de CRIUS®4.0 de Pi es un gran salto para la instrumentación del agua. CRIUS®4.0, IdC y MCTT Controlador de instrumentos CRIUS®4.0 CRIUS®4.0 es el primer analizador de calidad […]

First Coagulation Controller installation for Pi in South America

Following on from the success of numerous water treatment plants in the UK and Ireland, Pi is now beginning to offer the CoagSense coagulation controller to other countries in the […]

Norwegian Distributor, FG-Tech AS, researching new uses for Pi’s sensors and controllers

Norwegian companies continue to innovate in many industries such as aquaculture and wastewater treatment, and Pi’s distributor has recently been exploring ways in which Pi’s technology can be applied to […]