Los analizadores con múltiples sensores, parámetros y canales pueden reducir drásticamente los costes por punto de cualquier mensurando como el pH, el cloro residual, el ORP, el ozono, el dióxido de cloro, el oxígeno disuelto o la turbidez sin comprometer la calidad de dichas mediciones.
Todos los controladores CRONOS® y CRIUS® permiten la conexión de diversos sensores. El CRIUS®, por ejemplo, puede estar formado por múltiples sensores de la misma categoría (como cuatro sensores de cloro) o puede contar con una mezcla de sensores (por ejemplo, un sensor de pH, uno de cloro y otro de turbidez), convirtiéndose en un analizador con múltiples canales. Sean cuales sean tus necesidades multicanal, en las gamas CRONOS® y CRIUS® encontrarás todo lo que necesites.
Highest Quality – Lowest Cost Multi-Parameter Analyzer
The CRONOS® is a high quality, low cost transmitter designed to give water treatment engineers everything that they need from a transmitter and nothing that they don’t. With no frills, costs can be kept to a minimum whilst optional communications packages allow Profibus, Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, 4-20mA analogue outputs, and relays for alarms and control.
The CRONOS® has the capability to control up to two sensors of any type with appropriate analogue outputs and relays. Equipped with optional PID control, the CRONOS® is very able to control complex water treatment processes at a fraction of the cost of other controllers.
The CRONOS® can also come in a multitude of languages making it suitable for use in any market.
Customers requiring additional functionality such as downloadable data logging or remote access via the internet should consider the CRIUS® controller.
Highest Quality – Low Cost Multi-Parameter Analyzer
The CRIUS® offers more sensor connections, more functionality and more flexibility with a color screen and optional built in 3G modem. The CRIUS® is an attractively priced, top of the range instrument controller. Optional communications packages allow Profibus, Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP and others.
The CRIUS® is equipped with the capability to connect up to four sensors of any type with appropriate analogue outputs and relays. Four sensors not enough? Simply connect up to 4 CRIUS® together all using the same display and communications. Equipped with data logging as standard and multiple PID loops as options, the CRIUS® is very able to control complex water treatment processes at a fraction of the cost of other controllers.
The CRIUS® can also come in a multitude of languages making it suitable for use in any market.
Customers requiring a no-frills controller should consider the CRONOS® controller.
Water 4.0 and Industry 4.0 Controllers
The phrases ‘Water 4.0’, ‘Industry 4.0’, ‘Internet of Things’ and ‘SMART and DIGITAL’ are now commonly heard but what do they mean and where does Pi fit in? Industry 4.0 relates to the concept that we are living through a 4th Industrial Revolution where factories will be as SMART as they can be. The main principles are based on:
- Interoperability
- Information Transparency
- Technical Assistance
- Decentralization
Water 4.0 is how this technology and philosophy will be implemented/will affect the water industry. The Internet of Things refers to all devices we use all the time talking to each other and making their own decisions.
It is generally accepted that SMART refers to the increasing sophistication of equipment to make decentralized decisions, so it is this technology that allows for the implementation of Industry 4.0 or Water 4.0, and DIGITAL refers to its comms capability. For example, in 1990 a chlorine analyzer measured chlorine in water, gave out a 4-20mA output proportional to the chlorine and a couple of relays.
In 2018 the CRIUS® HaloSense (fully Water 4.0 developed) can provide the 4-20mA output and relays, but also has multiple digital comms options (interoperability), has space for up to 16 sensors (information transparency), has wireless and wired internet access (technical assistance) and full PID capability with remote setpoint, i.e. another device can set the setpoint (decentralization).